LA STATUE DE LIN FUCHEN à JIUQUAN (GANSU - République Populaire de Chine)

Dans le courant de l'année 2008, un membre de l'administration communale de la ville de Jiuquan nous a signalé que la ville avait l'intention d'ériger une statue de Lin Fuchen dans leur ville au titre de bienfaiteur historique. Nous avons attendu cet évènement de nombreux mois jusqu'au jour ou nous apprîmes que la statue existait vraiment. Les membres de la famille n'ont malheureusement pas été invités à l'inauguration. Rappelons que Jiuquan est le nom actuel de Suzhou où Paul Splingaerd et Catherine ont élevé leurs enfants pendant 14 ans.

In the year 2008, a member of the administration of the city of Jiuquan we reported that the city's intention to erect a statue of Lin Fuchen in their city as historic benefactor. We waited for this event for many months until the day we learned that the statue really existed. Family members have unfortunately not been invited to the inauguration. Jiuquan is reminded that the current name of Suzhou where Paul and Catherine Splingaerd have raised their children for 14 years.

Nous avons reçu, Anne Splingaerd-Megowan et nous, successivement deux groupes de photographies qui suivent:


Nous avions également demandé une bonne photo de la plaque: la voici:

On notera sur la partie droite l'expression Balu Splingaerd.

L'amie d'Anne Splingaerd, Sharon Show, s'est fait un plaisir de traduire en anglais la signification de ce qui est écrit dans le marbre:

The friend of Anne Splingaerd, Sharon Show, was happy to translate into English the meaning of what is written in stone:

"The translation of the plaque on the stone is as follows:

(line #1) Belgian citizen Lin Fu-Chen

(#2) He followed the Missionary as a handyman

(#3) He's intelligent and was a Chinese expert

(#4) He was the first Tax Official of Jiu-Chwan

(#5) He assisted the Kan-Su government in dealing with foreign affairs and foreign trades

(#6) He started the mining, built the bridge and had distinguished accomplishments

(#7) He provided free vaccines for small pox and practiced as a physician

(#8) People showed their admiration and appreciation to him by established the stone statue, plaque and appreciation banner for him."

On notera que d'après cette plaque, l'administration reconnait que Lin Fuchen aurait participé à la création d'un pont, sans doute sur une rivière locale. Il est probable que ce n'est pas le pont de Lanzhou qui est évoqué ici.

It should be noted that according to the plate, the administration recognizes that Fuchen Lin participated in the creation of a bridge, probably on a local river. It is likely that this is not the bridge of Lanzhou, which is discussed here.

Enfin, grande surprise pour la famille: lors du voyage en Chine de certains membres de la famille qui souhaitaient assister aux célébrations du centième anniversaire du pont de Lanzhou, ils profitèrent de l'occasion pour pousser leurs pérégrination jusqu'à Jiuquan. Ils purent ainsi saluer la statue érigée pour leur ancêtre. Quelle ne fut pas leur surprise de constater une nouvelle gravure au socle de la statue, donnant d'avantage d'explications sur le rôle de Lin Fuchen dans cette cité.

Finally, big surprise for the family during the trip to China of certain family members who wished to attend celebrations of the centenary of the bridge Lanzhou, they seized the opportunity to push their pilgrimage to Jiuquan. They were able to greet the statue erected for their ancestor. What was their surprise to see a new engraving of the statue base, giving an advantage to explain the role of Lin Fuchen in this city.

Trois des frères Keet à côté de leur ancêtre, -> Jean-Pierre, Frank et Alan

Plaque Jiuquan Lin Fuchen
photo from Denis Keet

Splingaerd (1842-1905) Belgian National, Chinese name,
Lin Fu-Chen was nominated by Li Hong-Zhang to be the
First Commissioner of Customs of Su Zhou.
From 1882-1896 he was Commissioner for 14 years. He
was clean and just in his dealings and also had knowledge
of foreign medicine, he was in charge of Small Pox Vaccine
for the Su Zhou people, constantly he treated the poor free
of charge. In the eyes of the People of Su Zhou he was a
benevolent Government Official and the People gave him a
Ten Thousand Name Umbrella made of fine silk, the words
inscribed on the Umbrella had the description of his
In 1892 he started the Jiuquan Catholic Church.
( Written by Jiuquan General History)

translated by Annette Lang 9/7/09

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Christian Goens - La Louvière - Belgium - mai 2009 - septembre 2009 - tous droits réservés