prétendant à la souveraineté du Grand Duché de Lituanie et/ou du Royaume Unifié de Lituanie

Ce texte, ci-après, en lituanien et en anglais, résume brièvement la situation au printemps 2006. On suppose que comme la plupart des gens, vous comprenez facilement le lituanien, celui-ci ayant une origine indo-européenne et il est moins rébarbatif à lire que le polonais.

Romano žinutės: "I am son of Count Roman Emiljan Dambski (1901-1967), Great Prince Lithuania Gedroyc, married 1927 Lwow to Great Princess Paulina Gedroyc (1905-1993) daughter of (Grand) Duke Wladislaw Ignacy Marek Gedroyc (1862-1943) married 1904 Horodec to Margueritte Renee, Marquise de Pourbaix (1880-1953). In 1992 I was commissioned by Paulina to restore family titles, and I would like to restore Lithuania to its peak..."
Čia jis nemini, jog jo "giminystės ryšis" su Dambskiu nesantuokinis ir kad kunigaikštytė Giedraitytė ne jo motina, o jo tariamo tėvo sutuoktinė.

Vėliau kun. Giedraitytę jis vadina "Prince Roman's step-adoptive-mandating mother Grand Princess Paulina" o save "The current Grand Duke of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania is His Royal Highness, Prince Roman II, natural son and commissioned heir of Grand Prince Roman Emiljan Dambski (+ 20 November 1967), who married Princess Paulina Giedroyc (+ 4 February 1993), daughter of Duke Wladislaw Giedroyc, in Lvov 1927."

Kitur apie save rašo: "His Majesty, Prince Roman, the current de jure Grand Prince and Sovereign of Lithuania, was born in Edinburgh Scotland in 1942.
His father was Prince Roman Dambski (1901-1967), son of Prince Karol Godziemba Dambski (+1936) & Jozefa z Fihauser (+1953). His mother was Catherine Mann (1913-), daughter of Georges Waersegers (1857-1932) & Henrietta Sambler (1867-1943), who were married 10 June 1889 in Amsterdam Netherlands."

Cet article résume assez bien la situation si l’on ajoute que le personnage, supporté par ses pairs, à savoir un groupement  de personnes sensées représenter la majorité des nobles de Lituanie, projette de se faire couronner à la fin de l’été 2006. Wait and see.


Le personnage prétend être le fils de Roman Emiljan Damski, mais il n'en serait qu'un bâtard, ce qui n’est pas très dynastique ! Le fait que la princesse Paulina Gedroyć l'ait ‘adopté’ et l'ait mandaté pour relever les titres de la famille ne fait pas ipso facto de lui un prétendant légal au titre de souverain de Lituanie car cela ne repose sur aucun droit. De toute façon, c’est lui qui le dit !

Si l’assemblée des aristocrates de Vilnus (en 1994) ou tout autre réunion le perçoit comme étant digne successeur des dynastes Gedroyć, et que c’est suffisant pour espérer légaliser un titre régalien, je lui souhaite bonne chance.

Remarquez que tout cela n’est pas très sérieux sauf si le peuple lithuanien et surtout son aristocratie l'admettent comme prétendant au trône, c’est leur choix, quelques soient les conditions de naissance, vu qu’il ne semble pas y avoir de retombée politique à moyenne et longue échéance. En France, il y a toujours le comte de Paris, et sa famille est toujours prétendante au trône de France. Mais en République française, le droit aux titres de noblesse est reconnu par l’Etat et peut être transmis par ordre de primogéniture masculine. En est-il de même dans la jeune République Balte de Lituanie ?

Il prétend être digne successeur des princes qui ont régné sur la Lituanie, il y plus de 700 ans. Il dit qu'il est le fils du comte Emilian Damsbki, ce qui n’est pas prouvé. Il dit être mandaté par son épouse vieillissante (+ 4 February 1993), en prétendant être son fils adoptif. Il proclame la royauté de la République de Lituanie et il s'auto-proclame roi ou Grand duc régnant de ce pays sans le support des autorités ni des pays limitrophes.

C’est cela, le cas ‘Ronald Mann’. Est-il un simple aventurier, un fantaisiste rêveur ou un escroc de dimension internationale ?

On le connaît d’être né des œuvres d’un militaire officier polonais caserné à Edinburgh (Ecosse – UK), résidant pendant sept ans (pendant la guerre et jusque 1947). Sa mère lui a transmis qu’il était une ‘sorte de comte’, mais il ne l'a pas connu longtemps, bien qu’il soit décédé en 1967. Il était retourné en Pologne après la guerre, près de sa femme, revenue miraculeusement de son internement du aux allemands et que l’on croyait morte. Ultérieurement, vers les années 1992, il retrouve une tombe qui porte des références élogieuses de ce qu’est en réalité son soi-disant père.

Notons que sur les pierres tumulaires, les cénotaphes et autres inscriptions lapidaires, on écrit ce que l’on veut. Remarquez que l’on ne forme pas d’objections radicales. Le problème n’est pas là.

Comment peut-il prétendre et prouver qu'il est bien le fils du comte ? Lui ressemble-t-il? Il y avait beaucoup d’officiers polonais casernés à Edinburgh pendant la guerre……… Racontez-nous. A-t-il fait pratiquer une analyse ADN avec sa demi-sœur Dambska ou ses enfants ???

Il dit être né MANN, Ronald, mais, après quelques recherches, nous le connaissons maintenant comme portant les noms de :

Ronald Mann, Ron Mann, Ronnie pour les intimes, Ronald Damski, Roman de Pourbaix, comte Dambski II, Dr Roman Dambski, Doctor Prince Roman, prince Roman Damski, Grand Prince Roman II , HSH Roman II, roi de Lituanie (King Roman of Lithuania).

En fait, on en sait un peu plus sur lui aujourd’hui ; il nous dit :

« My Heredity: I was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1942, the elder Scottish child of Polish Infantry Lieutenant Roman Emiljan, Count of Lubraniec Dambski (born Boryslaw, Ukraine 1901 - died Gliwice, Poland 1967)”

I have lived in Darwin for the past 30 years.

      I am 64 now, on a basic pension and in debt, but my story is a remarkable one.  

His mother was Catherine Mann (1913-), daughter of Georges Waersegers (1857-1932) & Henrietta Sambler (1867-1943), who were married 10 June 1889 in Amsterdam Netherlands.

Donc, pour y voir clair, disons :

Roman Dambski serait né à Edimbourg (UK) Ronald Victor Charles Mann en 1942 de Katherine Waersegers/Morgan (autre information : de Catherine Mann, née en 1913, fille de Georges Waersegers (1857-1932), d’origine belge et de Henrietta Sambler (1867-1943), qui s’étaient mariés à Amsterdam – Netherlands – le 10 juin 1889)- , des oeuvres de Dambski, officier militaire polonais y caserné pendant sept ans (jusqu’en 1947). Il était à cette époque marié (Lwow, 1927) avec la Grande Duchesse Paulina Irma, princesse GedroyćMosty Male 30/03/1905, + Warszawa 04/02/1993), fille de Wladislaw, prince Gedroyć mort en 1943 et de Renée Marguerite Pourbaix, princesse Gedroyć par alliance. Il prétend qu’il devint le fils adoptif de sa belle-mère en 1992, suite à sa rencontre avec elle à Bulsko-Braha (Pologne) et à une correspondance précédente en français. Elle est décédée en 1993 (+ 4 February 1993), lui concédant, paraît-il, les titres de noblesse par lettres patentes, lui permettant de restaurer les titres de la familles. Elle était veuve depuis 1967. De son union, on trouve seulement une enfant légitime, laquelle porte seule le poids dynastique, Renata Dambska Gedroyć, qui épousa Tadeusz Wallag. A West Bloomfield, USA.

En fait, à Edinburgh, le comte Dambski avait une maîtresse, laquelle était mariée avec un certain Charles Avery Mann, qui vivait dans les milieux de marins et est connu pour avoir été ‘fireman’ pendant la guerre. Mais, il ne vivait pas avec sa femme. C’est la raison pour laquelle, les deux enfants que Catherine eut à cette époque, Ronald et Christiane, ont été enregistrés sous le patronyme ‘Mann’. Nonobstant cette situation, elle n’est évidemment pas la preuve de la filiation de Ronald vers le comte de Lubranieć Dambski.

Emilian Dambski, comte de Lubranieć, aurait donc eu deux enfants écossais adultérins de cette dame Katherine Mann/Waersegers, née en 1913 : Ronald, né le 7 mars 1942 et Christine, née en 1945, aujourd’hui Christine Pattison.

Voici ce qu’il dit lui-même :

Although the natural son of Roman Emil Dambski, a Polish cavalry officer stationned at Paderewski Hospital in Edinburgh between 1940 and 1947, Ronnie was raised by Katherine and Charles Avery Mann.

Après des études à Edimbourg, en 1975, Ronald épouse une Philipaine nommée Feliciane Javier, dite aussi Fele Mann ou Feleciang Mann à Dover (England) et part résider à Darwin en Australie où il resta pendant une trentaine d’années. Il dit qu’il y vit ‘en exil’, ce qui est un euphémisme. Il semble y mener une vie assez active et variée, montrant un arrivisme certain, une propension à l’accumulation des titres, des diplômes et des responsablités. Il semble officiellement changer de nom, selon sans doute la législation en vigueure en Autralie et sous l’empire des lois du Commonwealth. Il a deux enfants adoptés (des philippins), Edith, Shirley et Janry. Ce dernier, promis aux plus hautes destinées (?) est l’enfant de Shirley.

Il est connu sur le grand continent sous de nombreuses identités dont nous devons retenir seulement Ronald Mann du moins à l’origine. Il parle un peu le français qu’il a étudié. On ignore s'il connaît le lituanien ou le polonais.

HM Prince Roman's immediate current descendants are:

1. HRH Crown Princess Shirley (20 November 1966 -----).

2. Her son HRH Prince Janray (1994 ----).

Princess Paulina was interned by the Nazis in World War II. She was advised dead between 1940-1946.

In 1946, after the births of Roman I's Scottish children, Ronald and Christine, Paulina was found to have survived the Holocaust.

Prior to his return to Poland in 1947, Grand Prince Roman passed descent to the current Grand Prince Roman by means of his Family Signet.

Tout cela jusqu’au moment ou…. « when I was 50 I discovered his tomb in Warsaw» (lorsque j’eus 50 ans, je découvris sa tombe à Varsovie – il parle de celle du comte). Ce fut la révélation.

Il dit aussi en 2006:

 “I am 64 now, on a basic pension and in debt, but my story is a remarkable on”.

C’est lui qui le dit. Mais les choses ont bien marchés, depuis:

THE KINGDOM OF LITHUANIA became a fact of life on 24 May 2005, when the  Sovereign - Grand Prince Roman II since 12 February 1993 - made a Royal Proclamation and became King Roman of Lithuania.

Il a l’intention de se faire couronner fin de l’été 2006 et de faire ses ‘joyeuses entrées’ à Saint Pétersbourg, Varsovie et Vilnius. Evènement qui n’a plus eu lieu depuis 1253!

Roman II, King of the United Kingdom of Lithuania, Grand Prince of (each) Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Livonia, Vladimir, and Novgarod; Prince of (each)  Aukstota, Bryansk, Chernikov, Chernobyl, Courland, Galicz, Gorodno, Kosovo, Krvavc, Kyiv, Lvov, Minsk, Moldova, Novaharodak, Turau,Ossetia, Oswiecem, Palanga, Perjaslavl, Polock, Pskov, Ratno, Riazan, Rostov, Santok, Smolensk, Starodub, Trakai, Turau, Tver, and Vitebsk; Marquis of Giedroyc; Count of (each) Lubraniec and Pourbaix; Sovereign of the Royal Lithuanian Order, & of the Most Honourable Orders of the White Knights and of Saint Andrew; Patriarch of Universal Family.


Les armes royales ont été choisies en fonction de l'ascendance familiale: on y voit écartelé les armes DAMBSKI, RADZIWILL, GEDROYC et GIEDROYC, surchargé par LITUANIE.

coat of arms King of Luthuania

Aperçu de la généalogie Dambski et liaison avec les Pourbaix biélo-polonais

cliquez ici crayon Dambski et Pourbaix


Mais depuis qu’il est roi, Ron Mann vend des lettres patentes. Cela ne plait pas à tout le monde. Voyez ci-après, vu sur Internet.

1)Pretty funny...how much if you just want to be a knight? Is there any validity to his claim or is he just full of it? I tried reading the link, but I cannot read Lithuanian.

2)Mr. Ronald Mann is simply after your money. Do not be fooled. Good people I know of have be used by this 'Mann' and if you question his authority it is 'off with your head!
Seriously though my friends, beware of him and his false claims. If he was who he claims to be then one would think that the Lithuanian Nobility would support him. I can assure you that they do not as there are many others that would qualify before he would for the now defunct crown.
Bill Britain

3) Lithuania is apparently no longer a republic.  According to Darwin, Australia resident Roman Dambski, he is actually de jure His Majesty King Roman II of Lithuania, and he has declared Lithuania a monarchy.

By whose authority you ask? His majesty's, of course. In a "royal decree" issued to Reuters, UPI and Aussie AP on 24 May 2005, King Roman decreed:

Lithuania is no longer a Republic.

On 24 May 2005, by virtue of his de jure sovereignty, in the tradition of uncrowned Lithuanian Kings Gediminas and Vytutis (sic.) the Great, Grand Prince Roman assumed the title King of Lithuania and, further, proclaimed Lithuania a Kingdom in perpetuity, to be democratically ruled according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Official transition matters and date for his coronation have still to be arranged.

The reason his coronation has not been arranged yet?  That's right...$$. After all, it does cost a lot to get to Lithuania from the land down under, not to mention the ceremony itself.  But have no fear, King Roman plans on raising the money ... by selling off titles.  Yup, you can buy Lithuanian princehood for the measly sum of .... one .... million .... dollars (AUS).   Mwa ha ha ha ha ha!

Il faut dire qu’un titre de Duc vous coûterait déjà $500.000 australien. A payer au compte privé du ‘roi’. D’où la moquerie.

Devenir roi coûte très cher !

La République Balte de Lituanie est indépendante depuis mars 1990, de par la volonté du peuple.

A chacun de juger.


1.     It is you, Mr Darius, and your band of mockers who are the frauds. You claim authority in a matter you do not understand, and you lead people astray by your defamatory comments and assertions. Here is my lineage for your edification & that of those like you:
1. Roman Emiljan, Count of Lubraniec Dambski - my father -
(born Boryslaw, Ukraine 1901 - died Gliwice, Poland 1967),
sired two Scottish children, of which I am the elder - my sister Christine was born in 1945.
His tomb, near marker 299B at Brama IV, Warsaw, records him as
(HR. =) Count of Lubraniec (Poland), & (W. KS. =) Grand Prince of Lithuania.
In Lviv, Ukraine, 1927, he married
2. Paulina Gedroyc - my adoptive stepmother - (born Mastech Malych, Ukraine, 1905 - died Warsaw 1993), eldest child (heir) of ......
3. Wladislaw Ignacy Marek Gedroyć (1862-1942 / 3) - married Margueritte Renaty, Marquise de Pourbaix (Belgian), at Horodec, Belarus, 1904 - Letters Patent dated 1.V.1873 at St Petersburg).
Wladislaw was a royal Duke, like Queen Elizabeth, & the son of :
4. Jaroslaw Jan Gedroyc (1832-1912 - LP 1873, St Petersburg Document F.1343, Op. 46, D.209, 210, 212, 220 - & Paulina Orda), son of……etc.

 armes Dambski


En Lituanie, on orthographie le nom de cette famille GIedroyĆ. Leurs armes traditionnelles sont plutôt de gueules à la quintefeuille d’argent. On le voit sur le projet d’armes of the Lithuanian College of Heraldry (Royal College of Arms). Effectivement, de gueules, on y voit les armes traditionnelles Gedroyć et les armes traditionnelles Giedroyć, soit le centaure contourné et le quintefeuille d’argent.

HM King Roman's Royal College of Arms

This is my sincere invitation to you, if you would assist and support me in my quest to be CROWNED King of Lithuania. You will receive a copy of my illustrated autobiography Grand Prince (2000, Revised 2006). Whether you are participant or observer, you will be granted letters patent of nobility or knighthood before we fly this summer. You can adjust your itinerary - includes Vilnius, Warsaw & St Petersburg - to best suit your own needs and wishes.
My Heredity: I was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1942, the elder Scottish child of Polish Infantry Lieutenant Roman Emiljan, Count of Lubraniec Dambski (born Boryslaw, Ukraine 1901 - died Gliwice, Poland 1967), whose tomb, near marker 299B at Brama IV, Warsaw, records him as (HR. =) Count of Lubraniec, and (W. KS. =) Grand Prince of Lithuania. In Lviv, Ukraine, 1927, he married Duchess Paulina (1905-1993), eldest child (heir) of Wladislaw Gedroyc (married Horodec, Belarus, 1904), a royal Duke (like Queen Elizabeth) in the line of Konstantego, Grand Prince of Lithuania Gedroyc (ref: Herbarz Polski).
Various letters patent confirming the lineage are held in St. Petersburg principally - and in 2004 a Darwin lawyer found that a further thirty high royal/noble titles/stylings accrue to the Lithuanian title. I was mandated to restore family titles by Grand Princess Paulina shortly before she died. The final restoration stage is my coronation, and adjustment of the Lithuanian Constitution to a Constitutional Monarchy. Note that, while the Polish says Grand Prince, it may mean Grand Duke, according to tradition.
My Authority: by de jure royal inheritance, I proclaimed Lithuania once more a Kingdom on 24 May 2005. Lithuania was first a Kingdom under Mindaugas, who was crowned by papal authority of Innocent IV on condition that he (Lithuania) be baptised Catholic. Lithuanian precedents exist in national heroes Gediminas and oth of whom assumed the title King yet were uncrowned. I am now rightfully His Majesty, King Roman of Lithuania - Romanas in Lithuanian - even uncrowned. I have two children.
My Lineage: is from Kazimierz Josef, Count of Lubraniec Dambski, recorded in a sealed document dated 1748 from King Augustus III of Poland (ref: Grand Prince). I found that Lubraniec Dambski - under Polish then Russian domination for over 400 years - made a number of marriages with royalty (& through Prince Dominika Radziwill & Princess Anny Polubinski) which included: Albrecht Damsbki & Pss Cecilje Radziwill, Woijciech Dambski & Pss Adeladji RadziwillWloskiego Dambski & Pss Lukrecji Strozzi, Antoni Dambski & Pss Anna-Karolina Lubomirska, Wincenty Dambski & Pss Weronika Gedroyc..... and should have been recorded as a princely family in its own right..... which is a right royal mystery.
By a 400-strong congress of Lithuanian nobles in Vilnius 1994, I was elected a founding senator of the ORIGINAL Royal Lithuanian Nobility Society (Lietuvos Bajoru Krasto Sajunga, LBKS) and God willing I plan to return to find old friends and to be crowned King.
I pray that you will be able to assist me in my time of need, just as I have assisted many others over the years which has now left me on the verge of desperation. I tried in vain over recent years, both through the Internet and by written and personal contacts and media letters and articles, to obtain financial support, and I had several apparently credible offers, including a pledge of $1.5M from a "Princess Liala Farouk". None materialised.
If you, or persons you know, have the golden heart to financially support my return to Lithuania and the necessary royal accoutrements, I will be able to make arrangements for my coronation this summer, and you and/or they may join me, with grant of royal letters patent as a genuinely titled member of  Lithuanian Nobility, and/or with royal letters patent as a knight of the Royal Lithuanian Order which I founded in  2004. (You may also be interested to help build or refurbish a royal palace in Vilnius for our summer residence.)
I have lived in Darwin for the past 30 years. Chief Minister Clare Martin knows my wife Fele and me, and in particular our good and solid work for the community through Filipino Club Darwin Inc., which has been praised in Hansard (our annual charity fundraiser Super Gala Night & Beauty Pageant 2006 is May 20, to help accredited Philippines orphanages).
If you would like to participate in this truly Unique Royal Adventure - God willing, MY CORONATION IS GUARANTEED - please contact me ASAP by email to hmkingroman@yahoo.com, or phone +618-89481123, or visit 124-7 Progress Drive, Darwin. I believe that with God all things are possible, and that this is the right time to make it happen with God's blessings, and I look forward to hearing from you soonest.
King Roman of Lithuania

 Autres indications substantielles



Hello Friend,

I am 64 now, on a basic pension and in debt, but my story is a remarkable one. So I would like to share it with you and your family, and to offer an opportunity for one or two (or more) who would treasure having a unique historical travel adventure.

I was born in Scotland in 1942. My father was a Polish Infantry officer who resided in Edinburgh for seven years, and whom my mother told me was a Count. I paid little attention at the time, but when I was 50 I discovered his tomb in Warsaw, near marker 299B at Brama IV. I was amazed to find that it read Count of Lubraniec and Grand Prince of Lithuania! Actually HR. DE LUBRANIEC and W. KS. LITEWSKICH.

Since then I researched further, with some help along the way. It was difficult, because centuries of suppression by Poland and Russia have disfigured Lithuanian history, and Belarus and Ukraine have been separated from Lithuania.

In April 1994 I was invited to a 400-strong nobles congress in Vilnius, and they elected me a founding senator of the new LBKS (Royal Society of Lithuanian Nobility).

In 2004, I was legally found to inherit, along with Lithuania, over 30 other major titles.

In May 2005 I proclaimed Lithuania a Kingdom by my de own jure authority, and I notified the President and Parliament of Lithuania. I would rule as Queen Elizabeth does, and subject Lithuania to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

It is my great wish to return to Vilnius this summer in order to solidify my position and arrange my coronation as King.

I have tried in vain over the years, both through the Internet and by written and personal contacts and media letters and articles, to obtain financial support, and was contacted by scammers with offers including one pledge of $1.5M from someone calling herself Princess Liala, who claims to be daughter of the former King Farouk of Egypt.

The opportunity I am able to offer is for one or more persons who would like to support my quest to be crowned King of Lithuania. I would be happy for such supporters to accompany me on my quest to Vilnius, Warsaw, and St Petersburg, as participants or observers.

I will also honour my supporter/s with grant by Letters Patent of an hereditary title of nobility, including an appropriate coat of arms.

I personally need around $100T to make my quest viable, to include travel, regalia, special research, and donations to speed the process.

I pray that someone will be able to assist me in my time of need, just as I have assisted many others over the years which has now left me on the verge of desperation.

If you can help, please contact me immediately by email to hmkingroman@yahoo.com,
or phone (08) 89481123,
or visit 124-7 Progress Drive, Darwin.

I have lived in Darwin for 30 years. Chief Minister Clare Martin knows my wife Fele and me well, and in particular our good and solid work for the community through Filipino Club Darwin Incorporated.

H.M. King Roman

You can have a 100% GENUINE Title of Nobility, passing to your firstborn and to future generations.

First of all, if you have been richly blessed, I request you fund me to restore the Lithuanian Throne this summer, and I will gratefully reward you with an hereditary Royal or Noble Title.

Email me at hmkingroman@yahoo.com or phone 618-89481123 or visit 124-7 Progress Drive, Darwin, Australia. You will be most welcome. H.M. King Roman of Lithuania.

Titles of Nobility range from a newly created Baronet or Baronette (valued at AU$11,000), to a Duke or Duchess (valued at $500,000). 

Titles of Nobility in between are Baron, Viscount, Count (King's Companion), and Marquis.

Titles of Nobility are conferred by Letters Patent signed and sealed by His Majesty King Roman of Lithuania.

You may also negotiate for the title of Prince or Princess, which is also within my gift.

All titles are hereditary to inquire further, or to acquire a Title of Nobility, email hmkingroman@yahoo.com

Voici un autre extrait relatif au personnage qui a écrit sa biographie:

Born 7 March 1942, a Pisces, Ronald studied at Trinity Academy, Edinburgh Scotland.

Ronald is now His Royal Highness Prince Roman II, Sovereign Grand Prince of Lithuania since 30 November 1992, recognised by Letters Patent of the Lithuanian College of Heraldry (Royal College of Arms) 12 February 1993.

Ron Mann, Ronald Victor Charles Mann or simply Ronnie, attended Trinity Academy through Primary and Secondary school 1947-1960.

He would generally walk to school from 22 Trinity Crescent opposite the Chain Pier Bar, between Granton Bridge and Newhaven, by the River Forth, past Starbank Park, up Craighall Road.

These were days when you could leave your door unlocked and the streets were safe. How things have changed!

Although the natural son of Roman Emil Dambski, a Polish cavalry officer stationned at Paderewski Hospital in Edinburgh between 1940 and 1947, Ronnie was raised by Katherine and Charles Avery Mann.

Charles was a ships rigger and regularly brought home fish from the docks.

During the war (WWII) he was a fireman.

He used to bring home comics - Beano, Dandy, Rover, Hotspur, Radio Fun Eagle..... for Ronnie and his younger sister Christine, the natural daughter of Roman Emiljan Dambski (above).

Charles lived a separate life to Katherine.

Lack of money for housekeeping was a sore point, and Charles would go on holidays alone.

Roman reluctantly returned to Poland in 1947 when it was discovered that his wife Paulina, for many years thought to be dead, had survived the Holocaust.

In 1992, after contact with his stepmother in Poland, Ron Mann legally changed his name to Count Roman Dambski II, and contested for Lord Mayor of Darwin.

In 1995 Roman legally changed his name to Prince Roman and, following his stepmother's mandate, he pursued his claim to the Throne of Lithuania.

By 2003 he had been made a Knight Grand Cross of the Most Noble Order of Rizal, with the backing of the Order, and a Royal Court, to pursue his claim of Grand Duke (actually Grand Prince) of Lithuania.

suite de la documentation sur Ron Mann suite