second period - 2: Paternoster - Muller - Vahrenkampf - Castaigne


catherine splingaerd-louis castaigne

The wedding of Catherine Splingaerd & Louis Castaigne ( Tientsin)

from Philomene Splingaerd-Cox via Anne Splingaerd USA

see also J-J Muller
from Robert Muller - Belgium

The wedding of Jean-Jacques Muller and Pauline Splingaerd. 1909 - Lanzhou
With her brother Alphonse Splingaerd


Lucie Splingaerd et enfants

The darked women is Pauline, with her three kids. And there are Catherine and Therese Splingaerd (Remy Paternoster between). The kids are Paul Muller, Jean Muller and, the child sitting with ground, Louis Muller. About the gils, Lily on the left and Jeannette Muller on the right

from Remy Paternoster, Venezuela


Ils étaient quatre jeunes belges; elles étaient les quatre filles à marier du mandarin Paul Splingaerd. Malheureusement, Castaigne et Vahrenkampf n'ont pas eu d'enfants. Sur cette photo, il manque Jean-Jacques Muller, décédé quelques années plus tôt.
They were four Belgian; they were the four girls to marry Mandarin Paul Splingaerd. Unfortunately, Castaigne and Vahrenkampf did not have children. On this photograph, it misses Jean-Jacques Muller, deceased a few years earlier.

from Roberta Forte, Italy


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Christian Goens - La Louvière - Belgium - april 2007

last update 26-Jul-2016